
Is Cold Water Bad for Your Kidneys | Risks and Benefits 2024

Many people enjoy drinking a nice cold glass of water on a hot day. However, some believe that drinking too much cold water can be bad for your health, especially your kidneys. Is there any truth to this claim? Read on to learn more about the possible risks and benefits of drinking cold water.

Can drinking cold water damage kidneys?

This is a common concern that many people have regarding drinking cold water. There are a few theories as to why cold water may potentially harm kidney function:

Constriction of blood vessels

One theory states that drinking very cold water causes the blood vessels in the kidneys to constrict temporarily. This reduces blood flow to the kidneys and decreases their ability to filter waste from the blood effectively. Over time, the reasoning goes, this could reduce kidney function.

However, this effect is likely only temporary. As the body warms the water to body temperature, the blood vessels dilate again and return to normal. There is no evidence that occasional vasoconstriction from drinking cold water causes permanent damage to otherwise healthy kidneys.

Increased urine output

Drinking cold water does cause a slight temporary increase in urine output. This is because the kidneys work to warm the water to body temperature. However, this minor diuretic effect is not harmful in moderation.

The slight increase in urine output can help flush bacteria and concentrated minerals from the urinary tract, preventing stone formation and urinary tract infections.

Chronic kidney disease

For those with chronic kidney disease, avoiding very cold drinks may be advisable. Impaired kidneys have a harder time adjusting fluid levels in the body. For those individuals, the diuretic effect and shifts in blood flow from cold water may cause further strain on the kidneys.

However, for healthy individuals, there is no evidence that moderate consumption of cold water negatively impacts kidney function in the long term.

Is drinking cold water bad for you?

For most healthy people, drinking cold water is not inherently dangerous and does not negatively impact kidney health. In moderation, it is perfectly safe. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Drinking cold water with meals may slow digestion slightly. If you experience bloating or discomfort from cold beverages with food, try drinking warm or room-temperature water instead.
  • Avoid extremely icy drinks for oral health. Very cold temperatures can make teeth more sensitive and vulnerable to damage from hot or cold foods.
  • Don’t gulp down freezing water immediately after intense cardio exercise. This may cause cramping or discomfort. Allow your breathing to return to normal first.
  • Listen to your body’s cues. If certain temperatures do not agree with you, stick to a range you find comfortable. Preferences vary between individuals.

Overall, the evidence does not support the idea that moderate cold water consumption negatively impacts kidney function or health in individuals without pre-existing conditions. Staying well hydrated is important for kidney health, regardless of water temperature.

Is Cold Water Bad For You?

For most people, cold water is generally safe to drink in moderation and does not pose any serious risks to your health. Here is an overview of the effects of drinking cold water:


Drinking very cold water may temporarily slow the digestive process. For some people, this can lead to temporary cramping, bloating, or discomfort when consuming cold beverages with meals. However, for most people, this effect is negligible.

Dental Health

Extremely cold water may increase sensitivity in teeth that are already vulnerable. This can temporarily make teeth more prone to pain from hot or cold food and drinks. However, normal exposure to cold water is not harmful.

Blood Vessels

When you drink cold water, the blood vessels near the skin constrict initially to preserve core body temperature. This causes a slight increase in blood pressure. However, this normalized quickly as the water warms to body temperature.

Immune System

There is a popular belief that drinking cold water while sick can “shock” the immune system and make symptoms worse. However, no scientific evidence supports this idea. Drinking adequate fluids supports immune function, regardless of temperature.

Kidney Function

As discussed earlier, temporary vasoconstriction in the kidneys from cold water likely does not cause any long-term harm to kidney function in healthy people. Chronic kidney disease may require limiting cold fluid intake.


Drinking extremely cold water immediately after intense exercise may cause discomfort, cramping, or fatigue. Allow your breathing to return to normal before drinking icy beverages after a workout.

Overall, for most healthy individuals without specific medical conditions affected by temperature, cold water is generally safe in moderation. It does not appear to have negative long-term effects on kidney function or overall health.

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What Are the Risks and Benefits of Drinking Cold Water?

Below is an overview of some of the purported risks and benefits associated with drinking cold water:

Potential Benefits

  • May increase metabolism slightly – One study found drinking 16 oz cold water increased resting metabolism by up to 30% temporarily
  • Can help regulate body temperature on hot days
  • Provides hydration and fluid balance
  • May stimulate circulation
  • Soothes throat or oral irritation/inflammation
  • Some find it refreshing and energizing

Potential Risks

  • May exacerbate tooth sensitivity or dental pain
  • Can cause brain freeze when consumed too quickly
  • May initially raise blood pressure slightly
  • May cause cramping or discomfort for some people
  • Not ideal for people with chronic kidney disease
  • May slow digestion slightly for some people

No proven impact

  • No evidence it harms kidney function in healthy individuals
  • Unlikely to compromise the immune system function

Overall, moderate consumption of cold water is safe for most healthy people and provides hydration. People with kidney disorders or certain individual sensitivities may require limiting intake of very cold beverages. Otherwise, cold water can be safely enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.


Here are some frequently asked questions about cold water and kidney health:

Does cold water damage kidneys?

No, is no evidence drinking cold water damages healthy kidneys or negatively impacts kidney function over time. Very cold drinks may cause temporary vasoconstriction in the kidneys, but this does not appear to cause lasting harm. Those with chronic kidney disease should exercise caution with very cold beverages.

Is drinking ice water unhealthy?

In moderation, ice water is generally safe for most healthy people to drink. It provides hydration and fluid balance. Some people may experience digestive discomfort or tooth sensitivity from very cold beverages, but ice water is not inherently unhealthy. Those with certain medical conditions may need to avoid extremely cold drinks.

Should you avoid cold water when sick?

No, there is no scientific evidence that drinking cold water negatively impacts immune function or makes the illness worse. Staying hydrated supports immune health regardless of beverage temperature. Listen to your body, but cold beverages do not automatically need to be avoided when sick.

Does cold water make you pee more?

Yes, drinking cold water may cause a slight temporary increase in urine output as your body warms the liquid to internal temperature. However, this minor diuretic effect is not harmful to kidney function in healthy people. Those with urinary issues may want to limit diuretic beverages.

Is room temperature or warm water better for kidneys?

For most healthy people, water temperature does not significantly impact kidney function. Those with chronic kidney disease may want to avoid extremely cold beverages to limit vasoconstriction and diuretic effects. Otherwise, hydration is most important, regardless of water temperature preferences.


In conclusion, drinking cold water is safe in moderation for most healthy individuals. While very cold liquids may cause temporary vasoconstriction in the kidneys, current research indicates this does not cause lasting harm to kidney tissue or function in people without pre-existing kidney disorders.

For people with conditions like chronic kidney disease, avoiding extremely cold beverages may be beneficial. But for the average healthy person, drinking cold water is not dangerous and provides hydration and fluid balance like any water. As with any preference, listen to your body’s cues. But in general, moderately cool water temperature is not a major concern for kidney health. Staying adequately hydrated every day is the priority.

Mustafa Al Mahmud

Mustafa Al Mahmud is a passionate medical writer and health enthusiast. He is excited to share his knowledge and make reliable health information more accessible through Quick Medico. Mustafa aims to write about common diseases, medications, wellness topics, and the latest health research in easy-to-understand language. He believes clear and accurate health communication empowers readers to take charge of their well-being. In his free time, Mustafa enjoys hiking, cooking, and spending time with his family.

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